PRK Laser Eye Surgery in Houston

PRK Laser Eye Surgery in Houston PRK (photo-refractive keratectomy) is a type of laser vision correction. Even if you’ve been told LASIK isn’t an option for you, Dr. Mattioli offers other advanced procedures like PRK that might be a better fit for you—and still deliver exceptional vision results. PRK could be an excellent option for you if:
  • You are not a candidate for LASIK eye surgery.
  • You have a strong prescription.
  • You have thin corneas.
  • You are actively engaged in sports, the military, physically-demanding occupations, or other high-impact activities.
  • You have an unusual eye disorder, such as irregular astigmatism.
To qualify for PRK surgery, you must be over age 18 with a stable prescription for at least one year. Contact our team directly for questions or to book your in-person consultation.

Benefits of PRK

While LASIK treatment is a popular vision correction surgery, it won’t work for everyone. PRK offers a valuable alternative and has several advantages, including:
  • High success rate
  • Less likely to cause dry eye
  • Touchless procedure is safe and gentle
  • Back to work after 3 to 5 days
  • Wear makeup again after 3 days

How Does the PRK Procedure Work?

Before PRK laser eye surgery, your eyes are prepared with anesthetic eye drops. Then, you simply lie on the laser bed and stare at the central target light. You can blink anytime you want. This laser light reshapes your cornea. Next, a temporary soft clear lens is placed to protect your cornea as it heals. You may feel some very light pressure for about 10 seconds, or cold eye drops placed periodically in your eyes. Both eyes should be complete in about 10 to 15 minutes. Most patients notice some improvement as soon as the treatment is complete. Typically, your vision steadily improves over 3 to 5 days, by which point most patients are driving again already. After about 5 days, you’ll revisit our office to have the temporary lens removed. You should now be able to see clearly without glasses or contact lenses. The full surface healing may take several months for continued refinement.

Over 20 Years of Laser Eye Surgery Experience – Dr. Mattioli

If you have been dreaming of ditching your glasses or contacts for good, we can help. Dr. Mattioli has over 20 years of experience performing life-changing laser eye surgery. With his extensive expertise and commitment to personalized care, Dr. Mattioli can help you achieve the clear vision you deserve. Schedule a personalized consultation now to learn more about your options.